Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage."- Maude from "Harold and Maude"

If you have never seen Harold and Maude, work it into your life schedule. This film, from 1971, is quotable from start to finish. It is like a year of Seinfeld in one film, so many poignant laughs. Laughing at life.  Learning from life.  Learning to live life.

There are websites dedicated to quotes from the film... and I recommend reading quotes there, but still, ya gotta see the film.

"You can see Maude say to Harold, "Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing... oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage." or "The Earth is my body, my head is in the stars."

When you hear Maude deliver the lines they really take on the meaning.  "A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead, really. They're just backing away from life. *Reach* out. Take a *chance*. Get *hurt* even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I.     Give me a V.     Give me an E.       L---I---V---E.        LIVE!    Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room."

Bud Cort, Ruth Gordon 1971 Paramount - Images courtesy mptvimages.com